Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Behind Closed Doors

Behind Closed Doors by B.A. Paris.  304 pages  (out 8/9/16)

Jack and Grace seem perfect; she's pretty, charming and elegant and he's good-looking and has nice manners.  They're never apart because they love each other so very, very much.  Sound too good to be true?  You have no idea.

Seemingly perfect on the surface, the real story is that Grace is being held hostage by Jack.  And Jack?  Well, let's just say that below his charismatic veneer, there's something quite nasty.

I'm going to try hard to avoid spoilers, so this review will be pretty brief.  What I will say is that this is an unsettling story, which has a steady, building pace, and which kept me turning the pages (and staying up past my bedtime to finish this book).   We get the story from Grace's point of view, and there is some back-and-forth in time, so you get a full understanding of the current situation, as well as what led up to Grace marrying (and staying with) Jack.  This is kind of intense story, and the author does a nice job of keeping you on tenterhooks throughout, which lends a taut feel to the book.

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