Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Wabi-Sabi House

The Wabi-Sabi House by Robin Griggs-Lawrence       Hardback Book:  192 pages                  Genre:  Adult Non-Fiction, Accepting Your Circumstances and Improving on Them  Decorating,  Making art

In Japanese the word Wabi Sabi means humble beauty.    The author discusses finding the beauty in things that may not be new, may be rusty or the paint faded may be second, third or seventh-hand but can still be eclectic and beautiful.    Unlike Chinese Feng Shui which balances the elements of wind and water, Wabi Sabi does not look for perfection it looks for comfortable, and like that favorite pair of worn jeans that feels so good you always wear them or the rusty wagon wheel you found in a gulch in the southwest and brought home to stand in your yard glowing with unappreciated character until you found it and gave it purpose and saw its inner beauty.    It is found joy.    A wabi sabi house is full of love and feels well lived in.   The furniture is loved by its owners for how it makes them feel when they see it.   Wabi Sabi houses don’t have to be perfect, a well lived in home with people, pets and artistic pursuits is a wabi sabi home.   Humble beauty abounds not like those HOME BEAUTIFUL magazine photos, but, with a sense of love and commaraderie that Is strongly felt and seen by the artful use of what is there, what is repurposed what is loved and accepted for the beauty it reflects like bright shining eyes crinkling in a sea of wrinkles on a well-lived person’s face a joy still there a sparkle emanating from the soul within that is wabi sabi not airbrushed fake perfection.   Wabi Sabi art in a home might be driftwood gathered on a family vacation that holds beauty and meaning in its coarseness so much that you have to have it near you where you can see it often.  A very good book sharing a Japanese concept of acknowledging the less than perfect and seeing its charm not in spite of its weathered persona but because of it.    Wabi Sabi doesn’t strive for the sterile pristine modern look it includes every thing beautiful and meaningful to the person so that your home is a reflection of your heart and thoughts.   People want to come to a wabi sabi house and it may be hard to get them to leave because they feed on the effervescent vibe of acceptance there.   Wabi sabi people would be street people with stories to tell and songs to sing who brighten your life by sharing theirs with you.  Humble beauty what a wonderful concept.   I would definetly recommend this book.

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