Heartbreak of a Hustler's Wife by Nikki Turner 224 pages
Des a pastor, whaaaaaaat? Yeah, you have got to read this book in the Hustler's Wife series. Yes, Des becomes a pastor preaching from the pulpit! When Des sees how high on the hog pastors are living tax free he thinks that is a better, safe racket than pumping drugs into the neighborhood and sets up his own churnch. Yarni as first lady of the church prays desperately and daily that God moves on Des' heart to truly become a preacher and teacher of the gospels. Des is a wonderful preacher and he truly touches the hearts of his congregation who hang on his every word. Yarnie wants so much Des to be touched by God so that his heart and soul belong to the Lord so much so that every word, every prayer, every teaching he shares is sent straight to him from God's heavenly presence. Then somebody robs the church and the congregation prompting Des to promise to reimburse everyone who lost something during the stick up while contemplating his retaliation on the offender or offenders, Nothing is ever easy and the street never forgets nor forgives no matter how far back, how long ago nor how far you have come since then. You can be in a crowd and still become a victim. Be careful the toes you step on today they could be attached to the lunatic waiting in the shadows one day. Great book. I love this series. I like Yarnie. I don't always like all the things Yarnie does, but, dang, she sure knows how to keep on keeping on. I highly recommend this series. Excellent story line. Situations, language and explicit talk about everything, sorry kiddies, again I have to say this one is for adults but as soon as you grow up read it. (Wink, wink!)