Saturday, May 4, 2024

The Year of What If


The Year of What If  by Phaedra Patrick 

327 pp

Carla Carter is just weeks away from marrying Tom Taylor.  Her matchmaking agency says they are statistically perfect for each other, at least more perfect than her first husband Aaron.  If it weren’t for the pesky jinx on her family that no one could be happy in a marriage.  During Carla’s bachelorette party, one of the activities involves having your fortune told by “Mystic Myrtle”.  It seems that Myrtle knows that during Carla’s gap year traveling through Europe she broke her arm falling from a horse and says “you met a man of great importance during this time”.  After Tom gets the opportunity to go to the US for a board game convention and present his idea for a new one there, Carla is left at loose ends.  When a woman answers Tom’s phone, that is the last straw. She decides to go on a trip to some of the places she went during that gap year and see if there is anyone or anything there that could be the “man of great importance”.  

Readers who enjoy romance will like this title.  I have read several of Phaedra Patrick’s books through the years and always find them to be entertaining and satisfying.  I give this book four out of five stars and thank NetGalley for allowing me to read this in advance.

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