Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Between Two Worlds: Lessons from the Other Side

 Shirley J.           Adult Non-Fiction                    The life story of Hollywood Medium, Tyler Henry

Between Two Worlds: Lessons from the Other Side by Tyler Henry    224 pages

Hollywood Medium, Tyler Henry shares in this memoir how he experienced his "knowing" at an early age and how he came into the fullness of his psychic senses when he was 10 years old and he told his mother that his grandmother had just passed away.   He had always had psychic experiences even as a toddler, he just didn't understand what they were.   The revelation of his grandmother's death led him to study and research to find out what was going on with him.  He grew up in a religious home after all and no talk of ghosts or anything of that nature had ever come up.   His family were church goers every Sunday.  He grew up in a small town in California no type of supernatural talk around town till one day a man and woman opened a shop with incense, books on all sorts of topics new to him, herbal cures, auras, divination, developing your third eye, chakras, reiki, crystal healing, etc. and the couple offered tarot readings.  Tyler became a voracious reader learning as much as he could.  He eventually started doing Tarot readings himself then realized he was more in tune with his psychic abilities than he knew.  The owners of the shop allowed him to do readings and his intuitive talents had people coming from all over eventually as word spread about his uncanny abilities.  He soon found that just like when he was a young child and saw "people" in his room that he wasn't afraid of but didn't understand why they were there, he began to be able to intuit messages from the beyond for people he was doing readings for.  Soon messages started coming to him for people he would come in contact with out in the world at random.  He was eventually asked to do Hollywood parties and gained a following of prominent celebrities requesting him to come do readings for their parties which grew into the cable t.v. show Hollywood Medium with Tyler Henry.   If anyone has an interest in divination of any kind Tyler Henry's book would definetly be of interest.   His show is very interesting to watch to see his process for revealing things to friends and family of the dearly departed.   I would recommend this book to mature highschoolers on up.  I think younger might not be able to discern without being impressionable.

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