Sunday, June 30, 2024

Strange Fle$h


Shirley J.                                  Adult Fiction                     Security Guards, Baby Mama, Hero

Strange Fle$h by Joe West     233 pages

Sometimes you don't like Freddie Bickle much, sometimes you do.   Sometimes he grosses you out but sometimes he has such a heart for his fellow man you have to like him.  Some things he says and does will make you want to stop right there, but, then, the sheer wonder of what this guy will do next intrigues you so much you have to keep reading.   What will Freddie do next?  Then the sheer angelic side of him will come out and you shake your head at the paradox that is Freddie Bickel.  He is cast amongst a crew of fellow travellers all with a foot in the gutter but occasionally reaching for the sky.  Then there is the shining star under a basket, Octavious.  What a true pure soul amidst the darkness of his family.  Unrecognized until this peculiar kind of nasty man comes along and transfixed then transforms wants to make life better for this lost child.  I could not stop reading this book.  What appalls you in the beginning will come to appeal to your senses as you grow to know this raunchy guy who will surprise and amaze you.   I recommend this read to anyone looking for something very different, very out of the ordinary and a book you will remember long after you come to the last page.   I can't wait to see what Joe West comes up with next.  Given the adult themes involved, I recommend this book for adults.

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