Sunday, September 22, 2019

Little Darlings

Little Darlings by Melanie Golding    312 pages

Creepy, compulsive and unsettling, this is a modern-day changeling story. If you know anything about changelings, they are typically left by fairies who swap out a human baby with a fairy baby. Identical in appearance, but completely alien in behavior, the changelings are often dangerous. But that's just a fairy story and not something that happens in real life. Right?

Lauren Tranter is sure that her newborn twin boys have been taken by a scary old woman, and the babies she has in their bassinets are not hers. However, everyone around her is chalking Lauren's reaction up to just being exhausted. Or is this some kind of postpartum psychosis? Determined to risk everything to bring her true infants home, Lauren will do the unthinkable. Only one person in the police force believes Lauren may not be completely crazy. But can she save Lauren from harming these babies?

I found this to be an interesting story. Lauren is a true unreliable narrator; she clearly believes that something is wrong and these are not her babies, and because you're getting her perspective, you tend to believe her. However, in the back of your mind, you're thinking that actually, she could be suffering from some mental illness. What is actually true isn't completely easy to determine, which makes this a good, creepy story.

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