Friday, September 20, 2019

There Will Come a Darkness

There Will Come a Darkness by Katy Rose Pool, 496 pages

This is a pretty solidly written action-adventure fantasy. The world is interesting and different. I felt like lots of elements of it were based on ancient history, in areas like Greece and Rome. I also liked the prophecy aspect of it, of five different characters whose stories will eventually overlap, each with their own role to play in this prophecy.

This book, while having familiar elements like good vs. evil, people with powers vs. people without, and prophetic hints for the future, it still managed to surprise me every once in a while.

The only thing that held me back from liking it was the fact that I didn’t care for any of the characters, which is usually a big bummer for me and keeps me from enjoying the book very much. But, I’d still recommend it, because I’m sure there are plenty of readers out there, especially fans of the fantasy genre, who would enjoy this book a great deal. It’s got action, it’s got supernatural elements, and it’s got a classic “end of the world” scenario on the horizon. So definitely check it out.

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