Friday, August 30, 2024

The Power of Fun: How to Feel Alive Again


Shirley J.                                  Adult Non-Fiction                     Fun is critical to a human's well-being    

The Power of Fun:How to Feel Alive Again by Catherine Price    352 pages

Catherine Price says that fun is essential to all people.  Her daughter describes it as "sunshine," which is accurate.   Fun is essential because without it how sad and boring would life be?   Fun is laughter and commarderie.  It is experiencing new things in new ways.   It is adventure and making memories.  It is the thing or things in all of our lives that make us happy.  One person's joy may not be the same for the next guy/gal but it is the thing that bring joy and makes the heart palputate a little faster, brings a smile to the lips and sparkle to the eye.   It can be seen most notably in children but adults are just as good at experiencing fun when they open themselves to it.   Price discusses the meaning and explores ways to have fun and incorporate fun into all aspects of life.  Fun is not immature, it is not selfish nor self-indulgent it is living the dream of how beautiful and happy life can be.  She explores the psychology of fun, her idea that fake fun is watching television, or reading and how she doesn't feel introverts are really getting the concept of fun by doing solo activities.  In her interpretation, fun is sharing experiences with others.  Posting things to social media she says is not "fun".     It is trying to fill an emptiness within but not her definition of fun.   True fun is playfulness, connection and flow that which fulfills us.  Gives us energy, community and purpose.  Fun makes us flourish.   And in the end you will enjoy the process.   

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