Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Tidy the F*ck Up:The American Art of Organizing Your Sh*t

Shirley J.           Adult Non-Fiction                 Straight talk on decluttering your home, office and life

Tidy the F*ck Up:The American Art of Organizing Your Sh*t by Messie Condo    192 pages    

In homage to Marie Condo, organizing and cleaning Queen, Messie Condo is a tongue in cheek calls 'em as Messie sees them straight talk complete with expletives for emphasis look at how to see our sh*t for what it is and tidy it the f*ck up.     While looking around our homes we might be so overwhelmed we are unable to move from in front of the t.v. to actually confront our clutter but Messie verbally shakes us into reality and motivational mode to get the f*ck up and do something!  I love this book for its ability to get you up off the couch and get you to not just think about your stuff which it does but more so to want to tackle it and get it in order and to quit letting it be the boss of you like an unwanted guest that moves in and doesn't want to leave.  Messie Condo begins by quoting the late comedian, George Carlin, who said, "Our house is just a place to keep our stuff so we can go out and get more stuff."  I love this book.  I am re-reading it now that I have finished it just to remind myself all the good tips in gives and they are legion.   Adults, do yourself a favor and check this book out especially if you like laughing because while being totally real this book will also make you chuckle and see yourself in many of the scenarios.  Due to the language maybe young children should not be exposed but teenagers as soon as you are mature enough to hear advice from an adult who peppers their language generously with expletives but who will tell you the factual truth while doing so on how to clean up after yourself and keep on the organized non-hoarder road, or if you have grown up with messy ways, this will be a clear map for how to get your sh*t together in life, literally.  5 stars out of 5!


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