Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Vincent Price: The Art of Fear

 Shirley J.   Adult Non-Fiction       A less than complimentary look at actor Vincent Price's horror films

Vincent Price: The Art of Fear by David Meikle     248 pages

I love Vincent Price but this was a grueling book to force myself to read.    I have never read a more scathing, bitter account of this brilliant actor which is not any where near where this author described his talent.   According to David Meikle, (who is this guy anyway?)  Vincent Price merely offered a one-dimensional performance and basically had 3 reactions he executed in every performance always playing the same character in every horror film he starred in.   Have I said yet how much I dislike this author?   He uses Vincent Price's name to sell his caustic account of the actor and may I add that he alludes to every thing but Vincent Price who seems a minor character in this raunchy bit of literature.   I find this book an offense and an affront to Vincent Price's character and acting ability and this twit needs to go back to whatever hackery he came from.  What a jerk!   David Meikle mocks everything about Vincent Price throughout and I would not recommend this piece of drivel to anyone.  I do love the photos and there are a handful of interesting bits to be gleaned here but the author's nasty attitude prevails throughout so I cannot in full conscience recommend it though in Vincent Price's name I wish it had been as good as it could and should have been.  

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