Wednesday, September 25, 2024

The Home Edit: Stay Organized: The Ultimate Guide to Making Systems Stick


Shirley J.        Adult Non-Fiction       How to go from dis-organized to organized while making your space look like a beautiful rainbow showplace!

The Home Edit: Stay Organized: The Ultimate Guide to Making Systems Stick by Clea Shearer & Joanna Teplin     256 pages

First of all the illustrations throughout this book are gorgeous.  Now, these ladies are hugely pro using bins.   They don't like the look of boxes regardless if they be the boxes of cereal, macaroni or any food that comes in boxes nor the boxes appliances or anything we buy come in.   They just think food is better stored and displayed in see through containers and once you know you are keeping something you bought that came in a box or especially boxes that items are shipped in said boxes must be recycled and gone from the home.   They are big proponents of colorfully displaying clothes on racks and in closets thus making items easier to see and match for quicker dressing and getting out the door in the morning or evening.    They offer really good tips and their methods are beautiful to behold.  Their labeling of containers and bins are flawless.   They definetly believe in downsizing upholding the philosophy of less is more and that folks tend to use only 20% of the clothes in their closet (creatures of habit we grab the clothes we like and ignore the rest).   A good book, I enjoyed it.   Not sure if while I agree with the beauty and simplicity of see through bins, I would actually follow through and keep up with them but that is my own laziness and not a lack on the book's part.   I recommend this book to all who want to get a handle on organizing their stuff but if you are looking for a deeper purge of clutter this tends to be for those needing organizing skills more so than purging heaps of items.   

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