Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Vanishing American Adult

The Vanishing American Adult: Our Coming-of-Age Crisis-and How to Rebuild a Culture of Self-Reliance by Ben Sasse      Audio Book 11 hrs.,  9 mins       Hardback Book:  320 pages    

Interesting perspective and insight on how the current generation seems to be growing up to be adult children having been overprotected by well-meaning parents coddled growing up insulated in many cases from real life lessons – dealing with losing, challenged to excel, admonished for lack of input while allowing technology to become their babysitters making a nation of introverts who do not communicate verbally but bare their souls electronically for all the world to see via the internet.    Sasse in both his roles as Senator and College President sees a generation coming up who need to step up to leadership roles, but, who are so unprepared for such a role, he shudders to think how ill-equipped Generation Z is to actually sustain themselves, much less the world in the coming years.   He sees an idle non-committal generation of young people lacking the skill set necessary to take charge and run things well.    The upcoming Gen Z- ers are not independent but VERY depend on parents – 1 in 3 of the 18-34 year olds lives at home with their parents, only 4 in 10 college students will actually hang in there long enough to graduate – he surmises this could be because they are on sensory overload having cellphones and other technology permanently attached to their person so they can constantly know what  is going on with every friend, family member, celebrity  and in the world in general while losing the ability to carry on face-to-face conversations,   deliver presentations  and take on leadership responsibilities.   Sasse worries since children and young adults are not being taught how to think for themselves, accept defeat, accept challenges always seeking to Google their way out of everything, what at one time seemed brilliance at technological skills is manifesting as weakness in being able to take on roles in adulthood in corporate venues, political venues and the fields of education and higher learning.   It is becoming a get-over society and Sasse worries if it keeps going in the direction it currently is he fears for the democracy.    He cites examples, statistics and events from his own experience which make him fear for where the country is headed.  It is not only a warning call it is a plea for the country to turn around the education system and for families to instill strength in today’s youth.     A good book that will stimulate the reader to take an active role in aiding the youth of today to become strong leaders tomorrow.   I would recommend this book to anyone considering becoming a mentor especially to see the dire necessity there is to change the way this generation is being raised and turn it around to teach them to be contributing adults to keep democracy functioning properly lest America falls under the influence of a lackadaisical leadership with no clear goals nor responsible returns on the investment put into them.   He fears we are headed to becoming a nation of lemmings when we must retain the status of eagles.   Numbing the mind and senses makes a nation weak and feeding one’s mind a constant bombardment of tweets, fake news,  fake reality is causing us to lose the ability to think for ourselves.  Only fortitude, diligence and perseverance can keep the nation great.    Lots of food for thought here.   I would recommend this book as a wake-up call to all those interested in where our nation is at and where it is headed if the path we are on isn’t changed.   Good book.

- Shirley J

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