Monday, November 30, 2015

Higurashi when they cry Atonement Arc

Higurashi when they cry Atonement Arc volumes 1-4 by Ryukishi07, 944 pages (4 books)

Cover image for Finally something different with this series! Well kind of. Someone still goes crazy and tries to kill everyone, but this time, this time everyone SPOILERS SPOILERS SPOILERS! You can try to mouse over those words all you want but nothing will happen. There is literally no way for me to say how much different this arc is without really giving too much away.

So instead I will hark on one of the big defining moments of the books. Nearing the climax of this arc two students find themselves locked in deadly combat. With a metal bat and a machete. On top of the schools roof. While numerous adults and police officers look on without doing anything to save or stop either one. Instead they are even convinced by another student to let them fight. Seriously? Maybe that kind of stuff happens all the time in Japan but I could not help but laugh at the silliness of it.

Anyways there is such a change from the usual books I thought this might be the end. But alas not so much. Everything still fades to black at the end. The next arc doesn't sound too promising for this young group of students either. Stay tuned for my review of the Massacre Arc, immediately following this post. Or would it be before this post, since I will post it afterwards...

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