Sunday, April 21, 2019

Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life

Game Changers: What Leaders, Innovators and Mavericks Do to Win at Life by Dave Asprey           AudioBook: 11 hours, 12 mins.         Hardback Book:  352 pages

What a great book.   I really like this author.    His main goal in life is to live to 135 years of age and kick a** till he kicks off.    And yes, he walks the walk he talks.   He has researched and performed experiments on himself from medical to dietary to psychological to find that which will make him the healthiest, most focused most productive human he can be.   He has studied with the greatest minds of our times, luckily he meets them as guests on his Bulletproof radio podcast as he brings in experts in every genre you can think of to help everyone listening learn how to be the best they possibly can.   He takes a sackful of vitamins daily,  he eats as healthily as the best fitness experts would recommend.   He exercises to get his boy performing at its maximum, but he wasn’t always conscious of all it takes to be all he can be.  While in college he terms himself a fat slob who didn’t move any more than It took to get food from the fridge and high carb snacks that his grandmother wouldn’t even recognize as food from the kitchen cabinets.   He ballooned up way over 200 pounds, he had few friends and no girlfriend until he had his moment of reckoning and turned his life around.   His story is fascinating coming from where he was to where he is now.   He cites so many great minds and there recommendations to live a fuller, healthier, longer more meaningful life.   There is so much excellent information and tips to be found here you will be glad your read this book.   You will be spurred by this book to want to do your part to make the world a better place and no matter the size of our contribution we can all be the world to someone and help in our own ways and Dave Asprey gives you a mountain of possibilities to begin and continue to work on to set your own goals for achieving a better good.  LOVED IT!
 - Shirley J

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