Sunday, April 21, 2019

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success,

Mindset: The New Psychology of Success, How We Can Learn To Fulfill Our Potential by Dr. Carol S. Dweck, PhD        Audiobook: 10 hrs.,  23 mins.         Hardback Book:  320 pages

World renowned, and after reading this book, I know why, psychologist, Dr. Carol Dweck is onto something here.   She has simplified pretty much everything in life by coming to the conclusion that everything we think, everything we do and everything we manifest is due to our mindset.    I have always ascribed to that philosophy, too.   I could be down or I could choose to be positive and channel myself into a happy mindset and accomplish stuff, you know the hey, pick myself up and go idea, or wallow in self-pity and accomplish nothing.  NO WAY!  Life is too short to waste it on being negative and this book is another book I referred to previously on the new phychology of positivity – it is all about the mindset you choose.   She breaks it down further to people either have a fixed mindset I am this way, I have always done things this way, my way is the only way, I will trash anybody that gets in my way but if you go along with my way its all good, I will not look for another way because this is the only way,  Iwon’t ever try any other way because no matter what – it will always be this way  which is all negative and leads to a pretty pessimistic life or we can choose the GROWTH mindset which is all about the positive  and learning and growing because if this way isn’t working, then I need to put in the time to learn the best way along with all that entails to find a better way to achieve my hopes and dreams.  Compromise is o.k. and you might know a better way to teach me how we can  all get better and lift everyone up to higher ground.   YAY!!!!   Let’s all strive for the GROWTH mindset not the FIXED living life with blinders on seeing with tunnel vision instead of opening our mind’s up to the whole picture.    GREAT BOOK.     She cites so many great examples and shows how throughout society in every imaginable situation you can come to realize if you are working with people with fixed mindsets or growth mindsets.   She demystifies how to bring both mindsets together and how to bridge the gaps and come to winning solutions for both sides of the mindset coin.    Seriously illuminating – she covers situations from work, home, romance, business situations and how to work with all groups, cultures to bring about positive changes and solutions.    Another must read – it will open your eyes to answers to what you may have thought were untenable situations.  EXCELLENT READ.

- Shirley J

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