Wednesday, April 17, 2019

We're Doomed, Now What?

We're Doomed, Now What? Essays on War and Climate Change by Roy Scranton, 348 pages

This collection of essays is divided into three parts. The first part is on climate and change. The second part is on war and memory. The third part is on violence and communion.

Scranton does a good job of laying out the issues related to climate change. Unfortunately, he doesn't have any answers for fixing it. In one of his essays he argues that we may be past the point of preventing climate change and that we are probably better off preparing for what comes after our current civilization collapses.

In the second section, in talking about why he joined the military after 9/11, he admits that part of the reason was that he wanted to be able to write about it afterward. The essays reminded me of some things I had forgotten about the war and the aftermath.

Another essay bring us up to date on what the state of the arts and politics are in Iraq. He also talks about writing about war.

I can't say that I loved this collection but I did appreciate some of the writer's thoughts on the second Iraq war, the aftermath and the personal effects of thinking about climate change.

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