Sunday, January 31, 2021

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead

Rising Strong: How the Ability to Reset Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent and Lead by Brene Brown   312 pages

Another good book by Brene Brown.   This one starts out a bit clinical but soon takes on the familiar down to earth discussions dealing with how we write our own stories of how events transpire in our lives and interactions with others.  Sometimes these stories in our heads are true and sometimes our minds tend to embellish things and Brene walks through several scenarios from her own life to explain how her takes on situations made her angry when maybe things were not quite as she first thought, her husband not commenting on her new Speedo made her story to herself feel he thought she was fat and too old to be wearing it when in fact he was fighting an anxiety attack of his own over something else and not ignoring her, just dealing with his own situation.   In fact he thought she looked sexy and great he told her and showed her later.)  She discusses how we allow shame to make us vulnerable but how having the courage to stop such thoughts when they try to build such stores and instead believe in our self worth it allows us to stand up for ourselves and not allow others to make us feel less, unworthy or weak.  A good book with lots of great stories about her folks and growing up in Texas and how we can all rise strong and correct our stories with logic and truth.    I would recommend this to young adults on up.   I think younger folks would get bogged down by the clinical aspects but there are many good lessons to be learned here for those earnestly seeking the wisdom here.

 - Shirley J.

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