Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Three Sides of a Heart

Three Sides of a Heart, Natalie C. Parker, 448 pages

This is a collection of short stories, all having to do with love triangles of various kinds – taken very loosely, which is a fun twist. Many of the stories are queer, some are abstract, and some are fairly run-of-the-mill. Most of them I enjoyed, although there was one in particular I found completely confusing – it shifted POV-character constantly and presented the same three characters in different settings, with little indication of a shift. Maybe I would’ve enjoyed it more upon a second, more careful read, but by the time I finished that story I was so relieved to be done with it I didn’t think of going back.

This is a pretty good collection. The diverse and many-faceted interpretations of what exactly a love triangle could be bring unexpected pleasure to the read, and if one particular story doesn’t catch your interest, they’re all pretty short and the next one might.

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