Sunday, August 31, 2014

Bellweather Rhapsody

Bellweather Rhapsody by Kate Racculia
340 Pages

 The book opens with Minnie Graves complaining about the bridesmaid's she has to wear for her sister's wedding.  As she wanders through the hotel she comes across the scene of a murder/suicide. 

Fifteen years later the Hatfield twins are traveling to the same hotel for a statewide music festival.  Minnie is also returning to the hotel to confront her ghosts.  When Alice's roommate Jill is found hanging in the same room, Alice calls for help only to return and find the body missing.  Everyone is a suspect and Alice and her twin Rabbit must find out what happened.

The strength of the book is not the mystery but the way the author describes the world of music and how the performers create new experiences through their playing of music.  The end is actually a mish-mash with too many plot lines and red herrings coming together.  The book has moments of very good writing but attempts to do too much.

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