Friday, May 5, 2017

The Medium Next Door

The Medium Next Door by Maureen Hancock                 Paperback Book: 274 pages                   

Maureen Hancock was exposed to lead based paint and ingested it as a toddler which led to her being hospitalized and spending several weeks in a coma.    Her Irish Catholic family prayed for all they were worth for her healing and enlisted every family member all the way back over to Ireland and around the globe and the same with every friend they had and all the folks in their congregation and anyone any of them knew besides to pray for Maureen’s healing.    The doctors warned her folks to prepare for the worst but miraculously Maureen pulled through and was completely cured.      Maureen was all of 3 years old.   She shared a room with her two older sisters (she is from a large family).    Not long after returning home she woke one night in the wee hours to see an old woman walking about the room.   Her sisters didn’t wake up and Maureen was scared, this woman was no one she knew, then she saw the woman walk into the closet through the door!   When she metioned the experience to her sisters and family they dismissed her talk with it being a dream or a side effect of the strong medicine she took to continue to clear her system of the toxins she had ingested.    It continued to happen every night for years to come with more and more people showing up in the wee hours of the night walking around the bedroom some acting as if they wanted to speak with Maureen or try to be close to her.    It frightened her.    Her mother and grandmother counselled her to pray and ask St. Michael to protect her and send them away.    This seemed to work.    At least she could sleep through the night.     When she told her best friend at school about the ghosts she was seeing in her house her best friend betrayed her and shouted to all the other kids in the schoolyard, “Maureen has ghosts in her house!”  and all the kids began teasing her about it and running around screaming.     Many avoided her after that.     She never mentioned her experiences again.    As she grew older she began to research what she was going through and seek all the information she could find on it.    She found out she was not alone.    Other people were experiencing the same things she was.    She also found out that the ability to communicate with spirits was not unusual in her family as her mother, her mother’s sister and her grandmother back to her great-grandmother all have had similar experiences and began to share what their stories with her.     Also, they believed her.   As Maureen became more comfortable with the spirits around her, she began to communicate with them and found they came to her because they sensed she could see them, hear them and help them to get messages to their loved ones.   And that is how Maureen got started as a medium sharing messages with families initially with those of cancer patients who had departed this plane to go on to the next level.    She also began to get messages about missing people and actually helped with many cases with her state’s police departments and the families of missing children, etc.     As word of mouth travelled she began to be asked to do interviews on radio and t.v. first locally then nationally.    More and more requests began coming in from people all over the globe for her help.     One lady in particular from Greece who asked her to help her speak to her departed husband.   She had to use an interpreter to communicate with the woman she said, “He keeps saying the same thing over and over,” and Maureen repeated to the woman what the spirit was saying to her, the interpreter shook her head and stared daggers at Maureen, but the woman getting the reading, nodded and smiled and told the interpreter to tell Maureen, now she knew it really was her husband because that is what he always said to her.    The translation was, “Shut up, Stupid and listen!”   The book is one of those once you start it you can’t put it down.    Some of the help she has given is astounding.           

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