Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Bucket List

The Bucket List by Georgia Clark       Audio Book:  13 hours, 40 minutes    Hardback book:  352 pages                  

Lacey Whitman’s mother died of breast cancer when she was 31 years old.    Lacey knew this could mean she and her sister might inheirit cancer genes and goes to get a cancer screening when she is 25 years old.    Her older sister doesn’t want to hear about it and plans to ignore the whole idea of cancer as she tries to shield her beloved daughter.   Turns out Lacey tests positive for the BRCA1 gene mutation also known as the breast cancer gene.   After Angelina Jolie’s very public choice to have a double-mastectomy when she screened positive for the same BRCA-1 gene, Lacey is given a choice by the doctors take her chances and see if she develops breast cancer which they feel 100% positive she will or take preventative measures and get the mastectomy now saving herself a painful go later.   This book addresses real issues, real emotions, real thoughts that anyone going through such a dilemma might honestly think and being from the perspective of a young woman who still parties and wants so many things out of life this read is such a good one I highly recommend it to female or male adults as it addresses a lot of issues on both sides of the gender line.   There is a boat load of factual information here that I found greatly useful and many profound questions, answers and thought provoking concepts that were excellent for anyone to learn about.   This book has some very adult scenes that would not be recommended for young readers but the massive amount of good information found here telling the story in such relevant ways it would make a terrific Book Club, Cancer Club, online groups, etc. selection.     I hope this book gets the recognition it deserves because while being a fun read it is also brilliantly sharing information everyone can use along with humorous dialogue to lessen some of the painful topics.    GOOD READ!   I highly recommend it.

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