Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Ask a Manager

Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work by Alison Green, 287 pages

Green is a workplace advice columnist. She has been answering questions for more than ten years through her blog. Her intent is to give the perspective of a manager. I didn't have a specific question I wanted answered. I like to see what perspectives advice columnists have and was curious about hers.

There are four chapters and they address conversations with different people. They are with your boss, your coworkers, when you're the boss and with your job interviewer. The questions range from the ordinary to the strange. A strange one that stood out to me was a situation where an employee was threatening to curse (as in magic) a coworker. A lot of them address issues that a lot of people feel awkward about bringing up. I am not sure that her advice will always work but almost all of it seems like a good way to approach the conversation. A lot of it is geared towards collaboration and finding solutions. Or tactfully addressing the situation without making assumptions.

I would recommend this book to anyone who is looking for advice on work related issues. If you can't find a relevant question her approach may inspire a good way to address the issue or you can ask her through her blog. It can also serve as a primer for ways to approach any issues that come up in the future.        

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