Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Lucky Day

Lucky Day by Mary Higgins Clark   68 pages

I've always thought that the worst thing you could do if you won the lottery was to let anyone know before you turned the ticket in to get your winnings.   This short story by Mary Higgins Clark just spells that out.   The guy who won is so excited that he won he is telling everybody about it.  It's his lucky day!   Not so much.   Yes,  A quick read,  I would recommend this as a cautionary tale to everyone.   Don't tell everything you know.  It is a case of counting your chickens before they hatch.   Turn in the ticket, get your money, then move, leave no forwarding address, change all your phone numbers and become a ghost otherwise you will have folks climbing out of the woodwork to take what you have.  I know its a joyful moment and the childlike enthusiasm that bubbles to the surface just wants to share such happy news with every person you meet, but, word of warning - everyone is not your friend - not everyone cares how long and hard you have struggled to finally become a "winner,"  and they will steal everything including your joy from you and walk away with your joy in their pocket and think nothing of it.   Think smooth jazz - quiet joy so you reap the benefit not some undeserving meanie.

 - Shirley J.

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