Monday, September 21, 2020

The Dowerless Sisters

The Dowerless Sisters 

The Dowerless Sisters by Valerie Anand, 529 pages

This was the final book in "The Bridges Over Time" a 6 book series set in England. The series begins during the time of William the Conqueror and follows members of the family throughout the ages as their fortunes rise and fall. Most of the characters in the series are women, so it's very interesting to see how they experience the times, from field work as "villeins" to surviving the plague, to flourishing (or not) in arranged marriages.

The characters in this final installment are born in the late 1800s and the story ends in the 1960s, a time period I've always loved. Charlotte and Vicky find their fortunes change with the death of their father, who mismanaged their finances. Their mother can't bear to see them accept the help of their conventional uncle, who believes women shouldn't be educated or make decisions of their own. Charlotte and Vicky agree with their mother and do their best to make their way in the world without any financial help from their uncle. They are fortunate to have the mentorship of another relative, who teaches them his trade in the textiles industry. Although Charlotte and Vicky never marry (an unforgiveable offense in the eyes of their uncle and other male relatives), they find fulfillment in their work and extended family.

I loved the history contained in this entire series and this book had a great ending, with a satisfying conclusion tying together attributes and events from the previous books. Valerie Anand writes a mystery series set during Elizabeth I's reign using the pen name Fiona Buckley.

-Kathy CB

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