Friday, April 18, 2014

I Capture the Castle

I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith, 343 pages

Cassandra and her family are living in a castle in England while they wait for their father to begin writing again. Unfortunately they have been waiting for several years with no signs of that happening and in the meantime, they barely have enough money to keep food on the table. When the young Cottons, the heir and new owners of the castle, appear, it could be a dream come true, if Cassandra’s older sister, Rose, could marry Simon Cotton, the heir. Cassandra is telling this story through her journal entries and it is a pretty good romance, historically set, since it was first published in 1948. I wasn’t a big fan, maybe because of the subject matter which only sometimes interests me, but it was well written someone who likes the genre better would probably enjoy it more than I did.

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