Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Other people's houses

Other People's Houses by Abbi Waxman 352 pages

"At any given moment in other people's houses, you can find...repressed hopes and dreams...moments of unexpected joy...someone making love on the floor to a man who is most definitely not her husband...

*record scratch*"

Frances Bloom is the neighborhood's carpool mom and and such, is privy to some of her neighbors' private lives. She has enough to worry about with her own husband and children, but when she accidentally glimpses one of her neighbors, Anne, engaged in an amorous act with a man, Frances thinks it's Anne's husband. However, two seconds later, Frances realizes that no, that wasn't Anne's husband. Frances keeps that secret and vows to keep to herself, concentrating on her own family. However, when Anne's husband throws her out a few days later, the repercussions of the affair ripple through the four carpool families.

I liked this story. Frances is our main viewpoint, but you also get viewpoints of other characters so it feels like the story isn't lopsided. Waxman also writes her characters so realistically that you can imagine these people and practically hear them, as if you're sitting in their kitchens listening to them. The dynamics between people also feel very realistic so even when there's drama (and there's plenty of that here) it doesn't feel over the top.

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