Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Trumpocracy: The Corruption of the American Republic by David Frum      Audio Book: 7 hours, 46 minutes     Hardback Book:  320 pages          

This book has been touted as being hard-hitting.   I think that is an understatement.  This book is like a sledge hammer!  Author, David Frum used to be the speechwriter for George W. Bush (Papa Bush) so his leanings tend to be pro Republican but he is not shy in speaking his mind on how he feels about Donald Trump and it ain’t pretty.   This book is so good you won’t want to put it down.    He talks about the stances Donald Trump has taken both good and bad but he is aghast by the lack of protocol followed, as he puts it the flagrant disregard for policy and consistently keeping others uninformed before he goes off and says or does something controversial or makes out and out threats to other leaders of other countries.   Even the United States’ allies don’t feel they can trust the United States completely now to recognize previous agreements.   Frum says, Trump does not like to be told what to do and the Military Chiefs of Staff know he is a loose cannon and they cannot depend on his listening to their counsel nor are they particularly feeling the compulsion to accept everything he says at face value.    The President tends to lead from a corporate perspective rather than from a political one which makes sense as he came from the corporate world and had not held a political office prior to his presidential election.    Frum discusses the Russian issue in great detail, he discusses how easily provoked this president gets when anyone disagrees with him with the press especially being his biggest target of attack as he appeals to the American public stating the press is lying about him and they are all liberals so you can’t believe anything they say.   Trump even gets derogatory chants going at events and rallys saying such things as, “CNN sucks,”  etc.   He has called out various media people by name disparaging their character because they embarrassed him during an interview so he whips up support for himself with his constituents by mudslinging, out and out stretching the truth or denying he ever said something even  when the media proves he did,  by playing the video or recording of him speaking on a live microphone in hateful ways about people, places or things.    He is a master at turning blame from himself to his accusers and Frum can’t understand how he keeps getting away with it.   While Frum may not be waving a donkey flag, yet, he is very disillusioned with the current man in power over the United States.   He cannot understand how the President can GIVE jobs to family members, friends, and business associates BIG titled jobs that should be posted, bid on, resumes submitted, and jobs given to those with the proper qualifications not to those Trump owes a favor to or is related to -hello!   Frum lays out the many positions and the term for it–nepotism.    This is such a good book told from someone on the inside (and the same side) who is knowledgeable and has background in working as a respected colleague.    So many things are brought to light that the public likely will see here first.    Worthy book.   Let’s you feel like a fly on the wall in some of the most important talks going on worldwide.    Regardless your party persuasion this book is an eye-opener.

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