Thursday, May 31, 2018

Breathing Room: Open Your Hear by Decluttering Your Home

Breathing Room: Open Your Heart by Decluttering Your Home by Lauren Rosenfeld & Dr. Melva Green              Paperback Book: 261 pages                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 in our stuff
Good book.   A little metaphysical, transcendental on the Lauren Rosenfeld side a little learning to understand the psychological attachments we attribute to the stuff we bring into our homes and often hang onto far longer than we should.    Think the Dalai Lama meets up with your bestest best friend.    It is a spiritual, philosophical read full of support and comfort from psychiatrist Dr. Melva Green who holds the readers hand as she entreats you to join her in looking at your stuff in terms of whether you are holding onto it out of love – it makes you happy, I love this stuffed animal given to me by my nephew when he was 3 or does it bring you guilt – I have to keep this guitar Mom got me when I was 12 because she really wanted me to learn to play it and I never did or worse, shame, I have to keep Grandma’s huge, heavy four poster bed because I didn’t go visit her the last 6 years of her life.   Both ladies approach leading you through the journey of seeing your stuff for what it is, what meaning you have assogmed to it and how to look at it as the object not the attached emotional baggage so you can surround yourself with things you love that lift you up when you see them, not cluttering up your head and heart as well as your home with rooms full of guilt, shame and regret that forces you to carry an unwanted burden not to mention making your house a wreck with a slender path through the forest of despair.    If you don’t see space and give yourself a breathing room, be it an actual room for meditation and joy calling forth an effervescent fountain of happiness and good vibes for you or a closet you can open and decorate with things that make you smile every time you see it  or even a shelf you can make into your altar appreciating your higher power and offering thankfulness for all of the blessings that have been bestowed on you in this life, if you are not establishing your own space to breath in and out purposefully to release all the tensions of the day, then re-read the book again because clearing space in our home is related to everything else in our lives.    Everyone needs just a little room to expand their consciousness and hold sacred as their own special happy place to reenergize their spirits.     If the home is out of whack your life will be affected in every other aspect, too (work, relationships, finances).   If you lose control over one aspect of your life, like dominoes, the effects will be felt in every area of your life.    Learning the WHY is the key.   Center yourself with your breathing room then gain understanding of who you were and who you are so you can go on to become who you are meant to be.    Paring down on the emotional attachments given to stuff presents you with the space you need to create the beauty you desire.   Accept the truth of what was and cleanse the space of what is to be thw wonder of what it can be.    You will feel so much lighter in spirit so much so you can fly.   Let’s stop clipping our own wings and allow the lightness of being, our true selves come out of the cocoon of all the stuff we have hoarded and surrounded ourselves with to cushion us from the fear we build up of letting go.   If birds stayed in the nest forever, they would never know the delight of soaring through the sky.    Loved this book.    Like hanging out with your bestest best friends who know your reality, love you for who you are, offer a hand up and say, “now let’s get busy and jump into moving this out of the way so we can dance!”    Good book!

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