Wednesday, May 27, 2015

The Edge of the World

The Edge of the World by Kevin J Anderson, 578 pages

Cover image for The two nations of Tierra and Uraba are connected by thin piece of land on which rests the holy city of Ishalem, a place of worship and pilgrimage for both. When the holy city is burned to ground it sparks a war between the two great nations. In the years after the fire both nations both set out to fill the blank parts of the map, each seeking allies and knowledge to use against each other in what is destined to be a long war full of atrocities by both sides.
While this book is just under six hundred pages it is actually a fairly quick read with fast paced plot and characters that we actually grow to care about. It also helps that he switches view points between characters so that we get to see why and how events are misinterpreted and how one persons actions cause something terrible to happen. What I enjoyed most about this book though is the depth that Anderson gives his characters as well as the attention he pays to creating their different cultures and beliefs as well as the overall theme of exploration and expanding ones knowledge

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