Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Lighter than my shadow

Lighter Than My Shadow by Katie Green.    509 pages

This graphic memoir takes the reader through the author's experiences with her eating disorder.  Like many kids, Katie Green was a picky eater, hiding uneaten toast and moving food around on her plate to look like she'd eaten more than she had. However, normal behavior can transition into something uneasy and harmful, which is what happened. In this hand-drawn graphic novel, Katie Green describes her struggle and recovery, a trip into the black heart of her illness and ultimately, her recovery.  Reflecting on what would affect her illness, Green shows that things don't always have easy explanations or easy solutions and that while every day can be a struggle, that there is hope.

This graphic novel moves slowly at times, but I felt it was emotional and really conveyed Green's feelings about her struggles.  Her art is clean and simple, but the emotion comes through clearly, which made this a poignant read.

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