Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The ABCs of Success

The ABCs of Success:  The Essential Principles from America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher by Bob Proctor         Audio Book:  4 hrs. 37 mins.     Paperback Book:  224 pages             

See your job in the scheme of things, step back and look at your job through the eyes of the customer.    Don’t let the goof offs hold you down nor hold you back so that when you go home at night, you can feel good about all that you accomplished.   Remember there wouldn’t be airplanes today if the Wright Brothers had let the fear of whether they could accomplish their goals hold them back.   As you dream so you shall become.   Set a goal and once you get there you can see how to get to your next goal.   Millions of people live their lives conforming to what other people want them to or expect them to be.   They lose themselves in this constricting existence.  Why?   It takes courage to step out on your own – it’s so much easier to follow the crowd and it is what we are taught as little kids so few people follow their true dreams and passions but Bob Proctor says it does take courage to stand out from the crowd or for the teenager to say no when the other kids are going down the wrong path.   Henry Ford says develop that difference with all you’ve got.   There is no compensation for conformity.   The secret to freedom is courage- the secret to courage is freedom.   I love this guy.   I plan to read every book I can find by him.   What a great life coach.   He has such inspirational things to say, man.    Wish he was my best friend – it would be good on those days when you feel beat down or just don’t have the oomph to look on the bright side this guy cuts to the heart of issues and would motivate a person to be their utmost best.   Knowledge is true liberty he says.   Think different.   Positive thoughts create the law of attraction – you are a living, breathing creative magnet and you attract things into your life that are in harmony with you.    Everything in this world vibrates because everything is a mass of energy.   Most people wish positive but think negative as a creative individual if you think positive thoughts expect the best to come and you will attract only good things to make your dreams come true.   Man, if this guy was your Dad you would grow up with all the get up, get out and get going attitude you would ever need.    What a self-starter!   He quotes Billy Graham as saying, “the smallest package in the world is the man who is all wrapped up in himself.”   Bob Proctor says,  “positive leaders shine and attract like people into their world.   Only you can decide which person you will be.   We are all two people, first ,we are the person we show to the world, second we are the person we are.    We need to unify both of those people helping to develop this inner vulnerable person who is a deep thinker and sensitive to the potential assaults from the world with the exterior person who tries to show a teflon persona to the world.   We need to use our brain to solve the problems we are afraid of and tap into the power of our conscious and unconscious to focus our intention- that is a fire to be kindled.   If you want to become a millionaire you must decide to do it.   The difference between you and a millionaire is you want to be a millionaire but the millionaire decided to become one and did what he had to do to achieve  millionaire status.     So simple, yet so reasonable.   Loads of good stuff to be found here.   I highly recommend this book and Bob Proctor as a serious spur you on to success author.    His enthusiasm is contagious.   And that is a good thing.    Get up and look for the circumstances you want and go for them!   Yay, Bob Proctor!     

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