Sunday, October 5, 2014

Love Minus Eighty

Love Minus Eighty, by Will McIntosh, 432 pages

Love Minus EightyIn the "not-that-distant" future, cryogenics has evolved in such a way that corpses can be frozen and revived, for a hefty amount of money.  For young, attractive women who died without freezing insurance, their bodies are frozen and preserved for a dating service, where wealthy men can court them and bring them back to life if they like what they see.  This is a notion that is so reprehensible, it doesn't seem that unrealistic.  There are a few intersecting story lines in this book, the main one being that of Rob, who accidentally kills a woman in a car accident and spends all of his money and time visiting her as penance.  I liked the idea of this story,which is what it originated as- a short story; but the execution fell flat for me.

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