Thursday, June 26, 2014

Maggie & Me

Maggie & Me by Damian Barr                     246 pages
I didn’t like this book as much as I thought I would.  It was a memoir of a gay man’s youth and teen years.  Because he grew up in Scotland, most of the adults in his life hated Margaret Thatcher for her policies.  She planned to close the factory where his father worked and also put a stop to the free school milk program.  However, there was something about Maggie that Damian admired, and in the midst of his realization of his sexuality and the horror (for him) of his parent’s divorce, Maggie gave him hope for a better future.  He was picked on in his school and his mother’s new boyfriend was abusive, so Damian needed some hope.  I thought that the writing was kind of stilted and the story didn’t flow very well, making some parts of it hard to understand.  I wouldn’t really recommend it to most people, although some older teens or young adults who have struggled with coming out may appreciate hearing about someone else’s struggles.

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