Sunday, December 17, 2017

Crossroads of Twilight

Crossroads of Twilight by Robert Jordan, Audiobook: 26 hours, Hardback book: 700 pages

The title of this book is very appropriate. This is the tenth of fourteen books in the Wheel of Time series. Events and characters in this series have important choices to make and some of them are made in this book. About 2/3 of the events in this book are concurrent with Rand's attempt to cleanse the male half of magic.

Mat is trying to hide from the Seanchan with part of his army and the member of the Seanchan royalty who he kidnapped out of necessity to hide his escape. He is now trying to court her even though he thinks himself a fool for doing so.

Perrin is still trying to rescue his wife from the Aiel who captured her. In the process, he must make some hard choices about the man he wants to be.

Rand is in hiding but is found by those bringing good news and bad news. He has made a risky choice but we don't find out what it is in this book.

Elayne is still working on her claim to the throne of Andor and we find out what some of her opposition is up to.

There is an update on events with the Rebel Aes Sedai and the other Aes Sedai. Separately, have decided they should ally themselves with the Black Tower (society of men who can channel) even though they are worried the men could go mad.

The conclusion of this one isn't very exciting but the even though not much happens I thought it moved along very well and was a compelling part of the series. This is definitely a series that should be read from the beginning.

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