Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Wicked Wonders

Wicked Wonders by Ellen Klage  284 pages.

This collection of stories features singular, smart and sometimes subversive characters. In the introduction to the book by Karen Joy Fowler, Fowler states, "Ellen's young protagonists are both tough and sensitive. Like so many of us, they don't quite fit in. So they're always looking for the chance, unavailable in their home and schools and communities, to be their true selves."  For example, in one of the first stories, the main character is a girl who identifies more with Maleficent instead of Sleeping Beauty. In another one, a girl who starts a game realizes that she'll need more than mere luck to win once she's engaged a faerie.  All of the stories have a bit of adventure to them, sometimes some melancholy and sometimes a bit of humor (especially the last story in the book, "The Scary Ham").

I really enjoyed this book and found the stories to be interesting, thoughtful and memorable.  Definitely adding this one to my Christmas wish list!

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