Sunday, February 22, 2015

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, by J.K. Rowling, 435 pages

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (Harry Potter, #3)I remember this being the book where I felt like things really started picking up and getting good in the series; but re-reading it, this book really brought up a lot of annoyances for me.  Hermione's bossiness and secretiveness seems arbitrary and unnecessary; Ron is just the absolute WORST- valuing a rat that he has done nothing but criticize for the whole series over his human friend who has saved his life multiple times.  And Harry- it's happened throughout the series, but this is where it really starts annoying me- that he doesn't share anything with Dumbledore.  Like, we all agree Dumbledore's the greatest wizard, totally good, and has been nothing but generous and on Harry's side- so why does Harry continue to lie to him and be secretive?  Ugh- eyeroll.  I mean, I love Lupin and Sirius, and I liked that this book has the "unfinished" feeling with Peter Pettigrew- but it was not as good as I remembered it.  Maybe I'm o.d.'ing on H.P. and I need to take a break. 

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