Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Caller

The Caller by Juliet Marillier, 437 pages

This seems to be the final book in the Shadowfell series.  Neryn still needs to see the final two Guardians to finish her training as a Caller.  Once this is done, she hopes to be ready for the fight against the current king, Keldec, who has been a tyrant for several years and is on the verge of completely destroying their country of Alban.  Unfortunately, Keldec has acquired a Caller of his own.  Unsure of how this will affect their fight, Neryn and the rest of the rebels forge forward with their plans and hope that when midsummer comes everyone is ready and that they will be able to persevere over the king.  Neryn also hopes that not too many of her friends will die and that at the end, perhaps she and Flint can find a way to be together.  This was a pretty good fantasy series that many teens will enjoy discovering.

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