Saturday, February 21, 2015

Shipwreck Island

Shipwreck Island by S.A. Bodeen, 184 pages

I picked this book up because I have liked some of Bodeen’s other books for young adults.  I wasn’t as crazy about this one, mainly because it ends with almost no resolution at all.  The story starts out as a typical one, with a girl whose father is getting remarried to a woman who has two sons.  The older boy, Marco, and the girl, Sarah, hate this idea.  The younger boy, Nacho, is pretty much okay with everything.  The parents decide to take a cruise with the kids instead of going on a honeymoon alone.  The boat, the captain, and pretty much everything, turn out differently than expected, but everything still might have been okay if not for the storm that caused them to crash on an island that is apparently not all it seems.  This has the beginnings of what might be a science fiction type story but at the moment is pretty much a mystery and realistic fiction.  The writing and story are good, but I’m a little ticked that I’m going to have to wait to get the rest of the story.

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