Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How to Speak Brit

How to Speak Brit: The Quintessential Guide to the King's English, Cockney Slang, and Other Flummoxing British Phrases
How to Speak Brit:  The Quintessential Guide to the King's English, Cockney Slang, and Other Flummoxing British Phrases by Christiopher J. Moore       Hardback Book:  128 pages

A fun read.   I was surprised by a few things:

 1.)   It was only 128 pages long - surely there are loads more British      colloquialsms than that

 2.)   The words/phrases included seemed to be of another age, not contemporary.

 3.)   Many of the words/phrases I grew up hearing in my family's speech and found them not
        to be uniquely British, maybe they originated there, but, were well known to me
Things I particularly enjoyed about this book.   The author explains the phrase, "Bob''s Your Uncle." He explains the origin of the phrase, who Bob actually is and why Brits still say it to this day.  He also explained that Cockneys love to reinvent words and phrases to make them rhyme and have a fun lilt to them for a laugh.   Makes a lot of sense and I have come to appreciate a local friend's sense of humor who has always done the same thing with people's names, Bruce became Spruce, Richie became Bitchy and so forth as maybe being in his genes as his background is largely British though he has never set foot in "Old Blighty" nor met any of his Brit kin.    The book reads like a dictionary just a lot more explicit with the occaisional minimally derogatory embelishment.  A fun read, wish it had went further and offered additional current phrases, though, I guess current is a relative term and is so subject to change as to not be worth trying to keep up with.   Fun book, yes, I recommend it to all who love British flavor in their speech and anyone else's.  Getting the answer to "Bob's Your Uncle," was worth the read but wordsmith's worldwide will enjoy this read.  Fun one

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