Saturday, January 30, 2021


Scouts by Shannon Greenland   257 pages

Annie, Rocky, Beans and Fynn are the Scouts.   Since their town is so small there was no scout troop assigned there they named themselves the Scouts and went on loads of adventures, exploring, camping out, playing on Bassinger's farm which they were strictly forbidden by their parents not to go on but of course they all did.   Bassinger's farm is after  all the best place to play in town.   When the Scouts hear about the coming meteor shower they decide to camp out at Bassinger's farm and sit up on top of the old silo no longer in use there.   The Scouts al tell their parents different stories leaving notes about where they are alledgedly staying to keep their family from knowing their actual location.   It is the Summer of 1985 and the Summer before they all start seventh grade.   Annie's mom is becoming concerned about Annie growing up and filling out and only hanging out wi9th her 3 best friends (all boys) who have grown up together.   Lots of things come into play, friendship, jealousy, trust, and such weird entanglements with silver disks that are quite possibly aliens or bombes and that is not all.   A fun book about coming of age,  Beautifully told.   I very much enjoyed this book.   It will keep you guessing.   I recommend this story to everyone of every age.  Good book.    

- Shirley J.

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