Thursday, February 24, 2022

Rose Royal: A Love Story

“Rose Royal: A Love Story” by Nicolas Mathieu (translated from the French by Sam Taylor) 96 pages  

This dark gem of a novella packed a powerful punch. Rose is almost fifty years old, divorced and has had it with men. Her favorite thing to do after work is to head to her favorite bar, the Royal, where she loves to drink beer, gin and vodka (but not together). One of the fascinating things about Rose is that she carries a .38 caliber handgun with her at all times. Like I said, she’s had it with men and their tendencies toward violence. 

Her friend, Marie-Jeanne, joins her every night and two nights a week, she sets up a small hair salon in the bar’s corner. Personally, I wouldn’t want anyone cutting my hair after they have had a few. 

On this night, the bar is basically empty. Near closing time, a group of teenagers, “seniors at a local private school,” come in to celebrate that they are only one hundred days from final exams. After Fred, the bartender, clears them out, the place is quiet until a man stumbles in carrying a dog that has been hit by a car. Rose helps him with the animal.  

His name is Luc and he drives a very expensive car. Luc and Rose are attracted to each other and soon begin dating. Despite the problem that they incur, neither one walks away. Instead Rose moves into his country house. But things don’t get any better. 

The story roars to a shocking conclusion. I was so shocked, I went back and re-read the entire novella.  I’m not sure that I truly understand why what happened, happened. And I don’t fully understand the title. Rose is the protagonist and Royal is the name of her favorite bar. Other than that, “Rose Royal” is a thrilling read and receives 4 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world.

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