Wednesday, December 31, 2014

100 Sideways Miles

100 Sideways Miles by Andrew Smith, 277 pages

Finn is an epileptic and has been since an accident involving a falling horse, which killed his mother and broke his back.  The resulting surgery left him with an odd scar on his back which he tries to avoid having people see, especially since his father wrote a science fiction book about aliens that look like angels, but have the same scars because of having their wings removed.  These aliens feast on humans and one of them just happens to be named Finn.  Finn’s best friend is named Cade and the two of them do almost everything together.  When Finn gets a girlfriend, Julia, his life should be nearly perfect, but, of course, it’s not.  This is actually a very funny story about an everyday teen, just trying to get by.  Teens who like humorous real life stories will enjoy this.

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