Saturday, December 5, 2020

I'll Be Seeing You


I’ll Be Seeing You by Elizabeth Berg  224 Pages

I read Elizabeth Berg books. I usually don’t care what they are about. With the exception of two or three (out of 30), I’ve always loved her books.  I did not even notice “A Memoir,” on this book’s cover.  And she has never written a book that has hit so close to home as this one did: aging parents.

In my case, it’s Momma. Until the Coronavirus pandemic hit, my 88-year-old mother was living alone, taking care of herself, and still driving (only to the beauty parlor and the grocery store). But as the weeks and months started to drag by, I could tell that something was wrong---even 500 miles away and over the phone.  Long story short…in the last month she has had to go into a nursing home…and that has almost shattered me. But on the positive side, I can at least call her five or six times a day as I have since Daddy passed twelve years ago.

Reading this book, I would swear that Berg looked into my mind and my heart, as we have been going through some of the same things: guilt that we out of state, trying to get used to a new home, dementia, and the aches and pains of growing old.

Once I started this book, I was afraid that I would be devastating to read.  And it is, in some ways. But as humans live longer, more and more people will have to live the realities that Berg describes.  She comes across as handling is rather nobly; I cannot say the same. But I’m sure that she has spent as much time crying as I have.

Thanks, Ms. Berg! This really helped!

I’ll Be Seeing You receives 6 out of 5 stars in Julie’s world.



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