Tuesday, December 22, 2020

The Meaning of Life

 The Meaning of Life: A Very Short Introduction by Terry Eagleton, 109 pages

This slim book covers a lot in a relatively few amount of pages. From the beginning, Eagleton tackles the subject with some levity. He starts by asking if 'What is the meaning of life?' is a genuine question. He concludes that it is. He continues by looking at the uses of the word meaning. He briefly looks at times when meaning wasn't very much of a concern for people or when it was decided there was no meaning. He considers multiple answers to the question such as happiness, power, love, honor, etc. At the end, he provides his argument of what he thinks is the answer.

I appreciated Eagleton's take on the meaning of life. While he did spent a lot of time considering if it is a valid question and what the definition of meaning is I thought it was fruitful. I liked his humor as well. I would recommend this to those considered the question. 

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