Thursday, February 11, 2021

Fool Moon

 Fool Moon by Jim Butcher, 401 pages

This is the second book in the Dresden Files series, starring wizard Harry Dresden, who operates as sort of a private investigator in modern-day Chicago. He also serves as a consultant to the Chicago Police Department when they need someone versed in the supernatural to help solve crimes that are clearly not run of the mill. 

This book, like the first one, started quickly with a lot of action and gore, as Harry is asked to investigate some grisly murders that appear to have been done by wolves (but we all know we're talking about werewolves - I mean, look at the title!). We get reintroduced to Karrin Murphy, a Lieutenant with the Chicago PD, who wants Harry's help on this case but is still ticked at how he handled the last case they worked together. Also making a comeback from the first book are Gentleman John Marcone, a crime boss, and Susan Rodriguez, who works for a tabloid paper and becomes something more than just a colleague for Harry.

What I really enjoyed about this book is the same as what I enjoyed about the first book: great characters (I very much like the character of Gentleman John and it looks like he'll be a recurring character), plenty of action, and a good plot. I find magic with complicated rules a distraction in a book and I'm glad that the magic described is simple and not the main focus of the story. I'm glad I found this series and I look forward to reading more!

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