Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Space Case


Shirley J.                Juvenile Fiction                                                   Living on the moon, murder mystery

Space Case by Stuart Gibbs is book 1 of 3 in the Moon Base Alpha series  368 pages

This was a really good story.  It is told by 12 year old, Dashiell Gibson whose family is the first to colonize the moon.   Other families have since moved there too, all known as lunarnauts or "moonies" all living on Moon Base Alpha.   Dashiell is bored because kids aren't allowed to go out on the lunar surface so all the young lunarnauts are sort of stuck inside an increasingly shrinking space (it seems to get smaller as they grow older) with very little to keep them mentally stimulated and occupied.   As a matter of fact the only other kid his age is way into virtual reality video games which he spends most all of his waking hours on and Dashiell requires more than that to stay interested.   When the top scientist in the colony turns up dead Dashiell plays detective trying to find out who did it and why.   No one believes him and accuse him of creating a conspiracy theory as it is all conjecture on his part.   Even his parents don't seem to see the reality of what is going on.  Dashiell goes looking for clues.  Dr. Holtz death is being played off as him being a little senile and going on the lunar surface without his helmet properly fixed, but, Dr. Holtz is the one who invented the suits and knew perfectly well how they had to be worn.  Something foul is afoot and Dashiell won't rest until he solves the mysterious death.   This is a good story with fast paced witty dialogue and interesting characters.  The plot is a good one too.  Don't want to give too much away but Dr. Holtz had made an important discovery that would change everything for them first then mankind.  Whaaaaat????   Yeah, it's like that.  ; )   I would recommend this to middle schoolers on up.   

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