Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?: Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age

Shirley J.                      Adult Non-Fiction                     Tips for Senior Adults living alone

Who Will Take Care of Me When I'm Old?: Plan Now to Safeguard Your Health and Happiness in Old Age by Joy Loverde    681 pages

Advice and tips to stay healthy, financially secure and happy to the end of your days.    Lots of good recommendations for those who have no plan in place for their well-being as they age.   Goes into depth of what is to come as we age.   Teaches seniors to be proactive to plan for their own lives rather than rolling over and letting family, neighbors, lawyers, caregivers, etc. decide their fate.   Shows how to put plans in place to cover all eventualities.   Good book.   I highly recommend this to middle-agers up through seniors, lots of good information, ted talks, reading and websites, etc. listed  Goes way beyond estate planning and wills.   Discusses what to do if diagnosed with dementia/Alzheimers, immobility, etc.  Great resource.

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