Thursday, December 31, 2015

Festival Accompanying Arc

Higurashi When they Cry: Festival Accompanying Arc by Ryukishi07, (4 books - 1832 pages)

Cover image for Having watched various characters kill each other and die gruesome deaths in previous arcs, I was fully expecting more gruesomeness here. But I am very happy so say I nearly completely wrong. When contrasted to the Massacre Arc previously, where there was a mass killing and someone gets their entrails ripped out, this huge four volume set is quite tame.

Cover image for Not only does this arc finally wrap up everything, but when we learn who was behind all of the plots in the village, and why everything always went so wrong it sort of makes sense. By that I mean we have certainly been shown glimpses of this underlying truth, that are only obvious in reflection.
The Festival Accompanying Arc is such a complete story about what is going on in Hinamizawa that you do not need to read any of the other arcs at all, but should anyways.

I was going to elaborate and give a review of the entire series focusing on how the arcs build off each other and such, but I found out that this is not the end, there are still more arcs. Though what they are about I do not know.

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