Friday, June 30, 2017


Carnivalesque by Neil Jordan     288 pages

When the boy looked out the car window, the carnival looked just like any other. But of course, it wasn't. The hall of mirrors invites Andy in and then he walks right into a mirror. The boy that walks out of the hall of mirrors isn't Andy, but that boy goes home with Andy's parents. Andy, meanwhile, is trapped until a girl from the carnival pulls him through and out, and into another world of a carnival where anything might happen.

I thought this was an interesting book and enjoyed the dark undertones of the story. There are definitely some disturbing elements to the story and the part with Andy's parents and the boy that looks like, but isn't, their son have a strange feel to them. You're not sure what's going to happen and whether or not Andy's mother is going to figure out what's happened. Andy, or Dany as he's now known to the carnival, has a more interesting storyline, and I liked how the author wove a backstory about the carnival and the magic that it holds.  It'd suggest this book to readers who liked Dr. Strange and Mr. Norrell.

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